Understanding Women

KC Understanding Women Comic

Men do you have trouble analyzing what a woman's behavior might mean?

Well than this guide is for you...Possible meanings

Situation She's having a good day On a bad day
She ignores you Wants you to notice and approach her, or she's not interested She doesn't feel pretty or put together so she can't handle an interaction with an interesting guy, or she's not interested
She Talks to you She is interested to learn more about you,  your considered a good friend, or she's just being nice and is not interested, She's interested and thinks a talk with you might lift her spirits, or she's using your possible interest to lift her spirits and she's not interested
She makes fun of something dear to you She's teasing and hoping for banter, or she's not interested and is trying to make you like her less. She meant to bring it up in a positive light because she shares an interest in it too, but nervousness made it come out all wrong, or she's not interested
Smiles at you from across the room She's probably interested, or she's hoping friendship will grow She may be smiling at you, or she could be thinking about something completely different and accidentally smiled in your direction
Frowns at you from across the room Thinking about something else, or trying to give you a hint about how uninterested she is. Probably thinking how bad her hair looks, and is upset that you seeing her look like this, or she's really not interested

There are many reasons not in these boxes. So here are some parting facts:
·         Every woman is different
·         Women can treat the men they like the exact same way they treat the guys they are not interested in
·         Women can be thinking of a hundred other things besides you, meaning their actions sometimes are pure result of stuff that doesn't involve you at all
·         There are many women who will not agree with anything I've written here. We are fickle.

So hopefully you now know that we are hard to know. Oops, you already knew this, and that's why you read this blog. Well maybe you learned sometimes we like to talk about something a hundred times over, not to get a different answer, but because we enjoy the conversation.
