Making, The Grand Budapest Hotel's, Mendl’s Courtesan au Chocolat

  • Yesterday, I did two things, 
    • I saw the rather enjoyable Grand Budpest Hotel with a good friend
    • And I tried making the featured treat "Mendl’s Courtesan au Chocolat"

  • I had the help of the full recipe at this link,
    • It's a dream link
      • It has the written recipe at the very bottom, 
      • A helpful how-to-video in the middle, 
      • and the cliff notes picture version at the top.
    • I was going to write out the recipe here, but why re-create the wheel?
      • especially when the wheel is detailed and lovely
    • Mine turned out looking differently but, my guess is, tasting the same...
      • I was missing a few tools that ended up changing the aesthetic
  • So this is my notes on how my recreation of the recipe went 
    • At the bottom are the two frosting tips that I think are the keys (that I was missing) to match the aesthetic: 
Making the Grand Budapest Hotel Dessert

  • Things I did differently:
    • Sour cream instead of Whole Milk. 
      • Couldn't justify buying a half gallon, and my poor sour cream, I love it, but never finish it before it goes bad...well til today!
    • I added chocolate between the layers...because I wanted more chocolate in the recipe
    • I used white frosting between the puffs, because I thought it was prettier than the blue
  • Ways I speeded up the process
    • Melting chocolate is always tricky:
      • You use a double boiler, 
        • which I don't have, 
      • Or really low heat and frequent stirring to keep it from burning 
        • which takes forever...
      • So I cheated

          •  I put the chips in the microwave for a minute, then added them to my sour cream and milk in the pan 
        • So fast, and the same result.
    • I didn't add the white chocolate piping at the end because I didn't have it on hand, and I was ready to be done
      • Plus, white chocolate is not a personal favorite

    • Mistakes I made:
      • I used a whole bag of chocolate chips. 
        • You don't need this much chocolate filling, 
        • I have bowl full of filling sitting in my fridge that has no place to go.
      • My glaze was powdered sugar and 1% milk. 
        • It was too thin, and with further investigation, I'm not alone with this problem
          • 1% milk is not as useful as whole milk
          • I heard that a secret can be "add a touch of butter."
          • Or a bit of sour cream,

    • Substitution that worked for me:
      • I don't drink coffee, so I ended up using chocolate chips on top instead of the coffee bean. 
        • Buying a whole bag and giving it to a friend may have been a good idea... 
          • But my coffee knowledge is so scant that I might have bought the Folgers of coffee beans...
            • Is that analogy apt? 
              • I don't even know
      • I used bittersweet chocolate chips for the filling instead of the chocolate bar. 
    home made Grand Budapest dessert
      • Practical Solution:
        • I also didn't have the doilies shown in the movie, so I put mine on flattened cupcake wrappers
      • Transport:
        • My friend I were going to have dinner before the movie
          • The movie got done late
            • So going to my house after was not an option for her, 
              • She had a meeting before six in the morning.
              • This is a moment in honor of my fabulous friend.
                • No meeting should ever start that early.
          • I didn't have the lovely boxes depicted in the film so...
          • I boxed mine in an Ikea gift box from an after Christmas sale. 
          • Mendl's Courtesan Au Chocolat
            • I taped in some wax paper to work as bumpers so that they didn't slide.
      • Missing Tools
        • I used a ziplock bags instead of frosting bags, worked fine
        • Filling the pastries you should have a special frosting tip, according to the internet this one...
          • I didn't have it, so I used a larger one I had, 
          • Much more difficult 
          • Let me know if someone else had one that worked better for them.
      Glazed Mendl's from Grand Budapest Hotel
        • I also used no tip for the balls, and ended up with a different the “how to video” they are using a tip...
      • Movie Note:
        • In the movie the actress pipes her similar to mine. 
        • But, with movie magic, ends up with the other result.
      Grand Budapest Hotel Model used in Wes Anderson's film
       A photo I took of the actual model of the Grand Budapest Hotel on display at the Arc Light.

      • Bonus:
        • You end up with egg whites!!! 
          •  One of my all time favorite things, because when you whip it, it's so pretty. 
            • And it brings back all the angel food cakes I made with my grandma
          • So on Saturday, I plan to make an egg white based dessert 
            • Maybe covered with an entire bowl full of chocolate filling.
              I made these, just beat egg whites til stiff, add in a tsp. of cream of tarter, and a 1/2 c. of sugar, spooned them over balls of chocolate filling, and cooked on low heat for a half hour. Note: grease the pan, I didn't and removing them was difficult.
      • Also check out: 
