Asking a Christian Girl Out

Christian Flirting Continued...
KC Why Wont They? comic

Something I’ve heard:

Guy: “The women I ask out on dates always say ‘no’”

Here are some thoughts on the matter...
Besides the obvious: Personal hygiene, smiling at women, engaging them in conversation with questions...


  • How are you asking them out? See the scale below:

Asking Some One Out Scale

Does the woman have a sense of who you are?
  • If you’ve only met once at that party and spoke less than five sentences, a facebook friending doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve made it onto her radar.
  • If  you are a complete stranger in her mind, for safety reasons, she might feel compelled to say no.

Were you clear?
This one gets both sexes into all kinds of trouble…
  • Unclear: “Hey, do you like swimming?” “Are you hungry?”
    • Because she may be thinking only of her hunger level, and her interest in swimming when she says “no.”
  • Instead, phrase your invitation in a more direct way:
    • “Do you want to go to BurgerVille?”
    • “Would you like to go swimming next week?”
  • This way even if she hates the idea of getting into chlorinated water she can respond, “no, I'm not really a swimmer.”
    • to which your response could be "What is something you love doing?"
    • Girl, "Lazer tag."
    • You, "Great, how about Tuesday?"

When is the event taking place?
  • “Hey do you want to get coffee sometime?” is vague 
    • she may have said yes, but no secondary contact on your part for a day and time, will show her you’re not really that interested
    • Also, even if you do contact her it can drag out the proceedings and that can kill the initial momentum
  • Have a day in mind, and secondary option in your back pocket.
  • Invite her to something on specific day and time, and if she can’t on that day at least you showed initiative (which by the way can be very attractive)
  • Bring up the alternative date if the first one isn't working...

    Has the woman showed interest?

    Does she get asked out all the time?
    • This is not a deterrent. If she is "asked out all the time" it doesn't mean she'll say no.
    • But if she is saying no to other guys, and she says no to you, it may have more to do with what's going on in her life at the moment
    • Asking at a different time may yield you different results 
    More Helpful Blogs..."Why doesn't anyone ask me out?" and "Christian Flirting"
